Does anyone use power on/off app instead of power button?


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2012
My power button recently broke/stopped working on my a500. I did a search for posts on this problem and found some. What was also mentioned in one of the posts was about using an app that would allow you to use the volume rocker button instead of the power button to turn on/off tablet. My question is... does anyone else use a app to do this and if so, what app works the best for this?

I've been using a small free app from the Play Store called "Shutdown" for several months 5red round icon". Works fine to ... shutdown the tablet. But I don't know how to start it again if your power button is broken. I read on some (french) forum that the button can get loose and go inside the tablet when you press on it, the owners had to open the tablet and fix it back (the power button attachment seems to be weak). But this seems to be a hazardous job.

My power button recently broke/stopped working on my a500. I did a search for posts on this problem and found some. What was also mentioned in one of the posts was about using an app that would allow you to use the volume rocker button instead of the power button to turn on/off tablet. My question is... does anyone else use a app to do this and if so, what app works the best for this?

Crack open your A500 - carefully. Then use some hot glue to stick the button back on the mobo. Sorry don't use an app - I use the power button all the time.
Douvie, thanks for the reply. I was hoping to not have to crack it open for fear of breaking or messing up something else, but it looks like I'm going to have to do that. In one of the older post that I have found, Icebike mentioned an app that I have tried, but it doesn't work very good. Was just wondering if anyone else has heard of any other app's that might work so that I wouldn't have to open up tablet.

Dr.Shuffle, thanks for your reply also. Right now I am using my power cord to get my tablet to exit sleep mode, and I have the auto sleep set to engage after 1min idle.
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The screen lock button has been problematic for some since the ICS update. Maybe some buttons are faulty.

Good luck.
Douvie, do you know of any web sites or youtube vid's that show the procedure or have the instructions on how to safely open tablet so as not to break anything else?
Douvie, do you know of any web sites or youtube vid's that show the procedure or have the instructions on how to safely open tablet so as not to break anything else?
Somewhere on this forum there is a thread on how to crack open your A500 - it is many months back now. I believe there is video footage and photos. I'll have a look.


Look at this thread.

It comes with nice big pictures. Make sure you read the whole thread before you try.
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