Does The Infotmic 10" SuperPad Flytouch II Model Have A Webcam, or Just A Reg Cam??


Jan 29, 2011
Hello Everyone,

:confused: I just bought a Infotmic 10" SuperPad Flytouch II with GPS, HDMI, 3G & 3D Support. It says on the descriptions that it has a 1.3 MP Camera so I thought it was a Webcam! Is there any way that I can download an App, install a software on it, or do anything to get this Camera to work with Skype, MSN and Yahoo Video Chat?? Please provide me with the details, I will greatly appreciate it thank you all.
my location is london (uk)
1:looking for flytouch 3 superpad 2 original. 8gb or 16gb,
2:can we use skpye video chat in it, mic is builtin ?
3: whts the original cam pixcel, 2 or 1.3??
so confuse :( and upset has been checked too many websites and ebay aswel,
problem is everyseller saying other tablets r fake my one my is original lolz pls if any have a good experiences with its purchance so pls help me send me tht proper link for the website or ebay list no. will be very thanxfull for ur help.:cool: