Does this Kyros 7022 rooting guide look accurate?

hey i operate and own that site. if you follow the procdeure and run into any trouble just hit the contact me button and ill help you out in any way i can :)
If you want an easy root for the 7022 then google "Coby 7022 Root " and the first video in the search will be a youtube video "Coby 7022 Root+Recovery" it shows you exactly how to Root the device and it even has the 2 files needed right under the video. It took me less than 3 minutes to root my son's Coby 7022.
This was very easy. Thanks for posting! The video helped also. The only thing I would change, do a system backup after Clockwork is installed (using Clockwork) and before installing Superuser. Thanks again!

If you want an easy root for the 7022 then google "Coby 7022 Root " and the first video in the search will be a youtube video "Coby 7022 Root+Recovery" it shows you exactly how to Root the device and it even has the 2 files needed right under the video. It took me less than 3 minutes to root my son's Coby 7022.

So I have followed the video. I get to the about the 2:45 mark and things don't appear the way he has them. I get the Clockworkmod installed. I get the tablet to reboot to the screen where I choose for it to install the SU file. When I go "Install zip from SD card" then "choose the zip from SD Card" I only have two folders appear. The guy in the video has several. My folders are ANDROID and LOST.DIR

I don't see the SU file even though it is saved there on the /sdcard/ drive. Any ideas what I've done wrong? Thanks.
I'm using the same Youtube video but the links to the .zip files are no longer valid - does anyone have them?
I have the Kyros 7022 and have been trying to find a concise guide on how to root it. This is the best one that I've found [How To] Root your Coby Kyros 7022 and Install Clockworkmod | E World. Everywhere

Does this look accurate? Seems very easy. Thanks!

OK So I need help here from the community.

I Followed instructions from the about link to a T as it appeared most people had good luck with it, however I cannot seem to boot into the Clockwork Recovery Mode. I Hold the 'Power' and back 'buttons' at the same time until I see “Coby” and release the power button and continue to hold the ‘back’ button. However it never boots in the the recovery mode. The Coby logo just flashes on and off every 20 seconds. If I release the ‘back’ button then it continues to boot to the OS as it should. I am just not able to get it into recovery mode.

Any ideas what I may be missing? How can can I get it to boot into recovery mod? I tried a reinstall of the '' file and it does not reinstall it. Do I have to removed that? If so how do I do that with out bricking the tablet? I would like to get the CR loaded so I can make an image back up :)

Thank you in advance for your help.
hey Zach - I did what you said and installed Market in that order of files you listed, the second two did not install - I did have the Google Play apk already installed but like some people mentioned on this forum, you can get it on there and install it successfully but it just will close once you open it.

opening screen froze, so reset... got that launcher screen. But Play still closes when you open it. Blah
also trying to use z4 root
, not working - I do have superuser on there but it doesn't let me load apps (or I havent figured out how yet)
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