[Download] Netflix 1.3 working on Honeycomb Tablets


Staff member
Mar 16, 2011


The latest version of the Netflix Android app released today added 16 new devices to it's support list. No one expected it to work on tablets but thanks to Droid-Life who got confirmation that this latest version does in fact work on Honeycomb Tablets. Are you excited yet? ;) Click the download link below to grab it!

Download Netflix.apk
Won't work on my Acer Iconia A500…getting error that it can not reach the Netflix service (12001).

I had such high hopes….

I called Netflix. They are awaiting a patch from Android to fix the app. It should be re-announced in a day or so. At that time delete the old app and re-install the new app. That is the trouble with new stuff, rush, rush and not enough testing. Bad PR. I know how it works. I am a Communications Specialist. :cool:
I wouldn't hold my breath. Without the drm chip, I doubt it will ever work. Google put out honeycomb without support from any vendors or programmers. Now that there's market saturation, they're building hardware drm management that will not be backwards compatible for early adopters. Bummer. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

Sent from my A500
Thank You, so far it works perfectly on my acer iconia and HTC shift. I was thinking about cancelling my subscription but I think I'll keep them now.:)

sent from my evo shift
There is a thread about it in the Acer Iconia forums with links to the files and instructions.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk