DVD Catalyst Give Away - Get DVD Catalyst 4 for free !




Merry Christmas everyone :)

I wanted to do something special this year, and while working on this week's newsletter, I figured what better than to do a Give Away?

Because I do want to offer the people who are already using DVD Catalyst 4 a chance to win as well as new people, the winners who are already purchased DVD Catalyst will get a full refund through PayPal.


You have until Thursday Dec 29th, 2011, 6PM US Central Time to enter for the Give Away, after which I'll be digging through the comments I received to give out 25 free copies of DVD Catalyst 4.

Here is how it works:


This thread can be found on a couple of Forum Foundry forums, (Xoom forums, Kindle Fire forums, Galaxy Nexus forums, Transformer forums, Droid forums, DroidX forums and Android Tablet forums.

Simply reply in any of these threads (more than one is fine) and give me a scenario of why you watch video on your phone/tablet.



You can also enter for the Give Away through our Face Book page. A post similar to this one can be found on there. Simply comment on that with your video watching scenario.



And of course you can use Google+ as well. A similar post can be found on my Google+, and just comment with your video watching scenario there.

On the evening of Thursday Dec. 29, 2011, I'll be picking winners from the responses I have received. Remember, the deadline for entry is at 6PM US CST on that day.


Rules for the forum responses, in order to not just have people sign up on the forums to enter for the Give Away, you will need to have a post-count of 5 or more by the time the DVD Catalyst Give Away ends (Thursday Dec. 29, at 6PM US Central Time).

If you describe your video scenario, please use a bit more than just "on the train". Detailed, colorful or funny responses desired :)


The winners will be announced in next week's newsletter (Newsletter 36), so if you see your name there, send me an email to claim your free copy of DVD Catalyst 4, or to get your purchase price back through PayPal.


Please use this thread only for the give-away. If you have questions regarding DVD Catalyst, please use the DVD Catalyst section on these forums, or start a new thread rather than posting your questions here.
I notice in the instructions it says for you to choose your device, I have a chinese tablet (Meiying M11), I'd like to assume that I will be able to use the catalyst with my tablet, am I correct?
I notice in the instructions it says for you to choose your device, I have a chinese tablet (Meiying M11), I'd like to assume that I will be able to use the catalyst with my tablet, am I correct?

DVD Catalyst will work with your tablet, however, it does not have profiles for it. Based on the specs it has an 800x600 screen resolution, so I would suggest to pick the default Xoom profile, and in "Modify" change the screensize to 800x600.

On a side-note, this thread is regarding a give-away. For questions, please have a look in the DVD Catalyst section on this forum ( DVD Catalyst )
Only 2 days remaining!

If you haven't posted here yet, you have until Thursday Dec 29th, 2011, 6PM US Central Time to enter for the Give Away, after which I'll be digging through the comments I received to give out 25 free copies of DVD Catalyst 4 (or, if you already purchased DVD Catalyst 4 and you win, you will get your money back (through PayPal) while keeping the support and free v4.x updates of course :))

In order to enter for the Give Away, simply reply here and provide me a scenario of why you watch video on your phone/tablet.

To avoid having people sign up on the forums just to enter for the Give Away, you will need to have a post-count of 5 or more by the time the DVD Catalyst 4 Give Away ends.
Brand new to the tablet world, I received a Nook Color with N2A card for Christmas - looking for a good method to convert DVD's for viewing on a trip to Japan at the end of January or any other place my job takes me.

I bought a Coby Kyros 7127 for my daughter for Christmas with the idea she could play games, read and watch movies I can convert. But, using Nero, the files are still huge. I would love to be able to provide her with movie entertainment while visiting at grandmas(she 8 so doesnt play cards:)) and for any trips over 30 min. Net flix doesnt seem to work well for us, so maybe this would? Thanks, and good luck with the giveaway even if we dont win:)
I have 3 children that I homeschool. I bought tablets for them to put educational shows/films and books onto. Their tablets support Netflix, but it would also be nice to put DVD content on them.

Sent from my DROIDX running MIUI

Thank you all for your replies :)

The DVD Catalyst 4 Christmas Give Away has ended


I'll be pulling names out of a hat tonight and will announce the winners of the give away in tomorrow's newsletter, which will be located here:

Newsletter | Tools4Movies