Email app status bar indicator not working


Feb 4, 2011
I've had my SGT for a week now. It's running stock 2.2. I've configured the email app with 2 accounts (one exchange, one gmail). It all seemed to be working just fine then yesterday, the status bar indicator just stopped working. Emails are still coming in, and it even makes the notification sound. There is no status bar indicator though.
Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any suggestions on how to fix it?
Check to see that email notifications is turned on. Open gmail, menu> more> settings then scroll down to find the notifications section.

Not sure how to do this with the exchange app, but should be simular.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab.
I've checked all the obvious. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't work. It's just temperamental. I haven't seemed to work out a pattern to it either. Ie - works after reboot or anything like that.
Anyone else experience this issue?

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I have the same problem. It works with gmail, but not with my normal email account. I go into settings and tick the email notification button but it does not save this setting when I come out of the email programme. My tablet is a Telechips X5A