[h=2]Ematic Wr762[/h]
Help needed! Xmas 2011 I bought this tablet for my daughter and have had nothing but problems. Worst product I have ever purchased. I sent it back to Ematic (because I bought it 14 days prior to xmas which made it ineligible for return after xmas). They sent it back same condition. Problem is the appstore does not display in English. All purchases show up for Euro. I have finally decided to try and get this thing working again. Everything is set for another country. Even the Google search is defaulting to UK. All help options are displayed in Chinese. I have set the language to English and still not working. I just did factory reset and the time even comes up different. Says Thursday September 27 5:55pm and I am in USA Eastern Standard time. September 28th 15:53pm. I advised Ematic this product is not set for me. Does anyone know how I can get this tablet to function in English?

All help will be greatly appreciated.
All help will be greatly appreciated.