Epic Citadel - awesome demo with a meaningful benchmark


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2013
Get thee to Google Play and install Epic Citadel. It's a demo of the Unreal Technology game engine ported to Android. It's jaw drop good and I badly want to see what they do with it. You can explore (and while I am not crazy about how you control your movement, it is very smooth) or have it fly you through a demo. It also has a benchmark, which is the demo with frame rate tracked. It shows the rate in real time so you can see what is more or less intensive and then it gives you the average at the end.

I am on JB 4.1.1 (the Lenovo supported system upgrade) and I ran it twice. The first time was right after download. The tablet had not been fully powered off in several days and I did not shut anything down. I got a frame rate of 44.5. Then I powered off the tablet, powered it back on and waited a couple of minutes so that anything that auto loaded would hopefully finish start up processing. This time I got a 47.7. So I get about an 8% performance hit as a trade off for leaving things loaded. It is awfully convenient to have apps come up right where I left off. Most of the time, I think I am fine with that but it is good to know if running something that just needs a little boost. Both times it was summarized as High Quality, which I assume means it should be fine for games developed with their engine.

Besides being a really good demo, I like the benchmark because it is a measure of something more concrete than MFLOPS and bus speed.

If anyone is still on ICS, I would be interested in seeing results from benchmarks.
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Following up, it looks like it might be older news than I realized; there are titles out using the engine. Wild Blood from Gameloft appears to have strikingly similar scenery to the demo. Still a meaningful benchmark and hope to see ICS scores...
Interesting; I absolutely did not expect that because of my experience with the Time Warner TV app, which stays in sync under JB but didn't under ICS and because of the published benchmarks. And yeah, because I didn't believe you in that other thread. :eek:

Is this stock ICS? Because I am running the Lenovo provided JB, even a fresh start is running some apps. Was anything else running? I may try another run after using the task list to close a few things.
This is stock ics with all the bloat ware, just the way you get the tablet from the store, I have added other apps but haven't removed any that came with the tablet. This was one run of Epic Citadel, the tablet had been a sleep until I downloaded Epic Citadel and ran it, I also ran Epic Citadel on my stock JB, it couldn't match the ICS results even after three runs.
Now I am really confused. I shut down non essential running applications and tried again. It dropped to 43.9 (still "High Quality"). WTH?!?! An email did arrive during the test, so I switched to airplane mode and tried again. 44.3! I turned airplane mode off (network back on and there is a connection here) and got 44.4. I think the very thing that makes this test meaningful - it does actual operations we find useful and/or entertaining with no special priority with respect to other applications - also makes it susceptible to a lot of variation. Still, it appears you may be correct about JB running slower than ICS (in some? many? most? cases). The crow is not bad here... :eek:
We all are waiting on JB kernel source, the official kernel source for JB hasn't been released. I am using ICS kernel source to build the JB kernel that I am using, it works great, a few things are missing from ICS source though, as JB and ICS are different.

I think most people want kernels compiled from official source.

As a side note it would be nice to see more scores in this thread, I know some people use custom roms, those scores would be of interest.
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Interesting; I absolutely did not expect that because of my experience with the Time Warner TV app, which stays in sync under JB but didn't under ICS and because of the published benchmarks. And yeah, because I didn't believe you in that other thread. :eek:

Is this stock ICS? Because I am running the Lenovo provided JB, even a fresh start is running some apps. Was anything else running? I may try another run after using the task list to close a few things.

Another possibility occurred to me - just about every app on my system updated after the JB upgrade. So I am not really comparing apples to apples when I say the TWC app works better. I thought about this today when another update for TWC was made available. Today's update seems to reduce the time from when the app first pops up and tells you what is on and having the show begin playing. If something like that happened after the OS upgrade I would have given credit to JB when it was actually an app change.
We all are waiting on JB kernel source, the official kernel source for JB hasn't been released. I am using ICS kernel source to build the JB kernel that I am using, it works great, a few things are missing from ICS source though, as JB and ICS are different.

I think most people want kernels compiled from official source.

As a side note it would be nice to see more scores in this thread, I know some people use custom roms, those scores would be of interest.

Oh true that, we better wait until the official kernel source for JB release first. I thought its already released when i saw your picture about the overclock XD

I am going to post my score too. I am using the Slimz Beanz Rom (well thats how flashallthetime name it :D) to try this benchmark :)
Hmm looks like the benchmark in JB ROM gets less FPS compare to the ICS ROM......

Alright just to make it clear that did this benchmark with Slimz Beanz ROM, not the stock JB ROM.

PS: Ok i tried the benchmark on my friend's Galaxy Note 2, and it only got around 44.0 FPS with custom TouchWiz ROM which is 4.1.2. So here is the surprising thing: I tried it on my friend's Nexus 4, Stock ROM with custom Kernel (I don't think its overclock Kernel), and guess what, he got 58.8. I was like WHAT THE HELL!!!

Alright another update: I turn the Force GPU rendering on, and i got 47.9 FPS. :)
hmm i really like to edit my post am i...changed it for 5 times already...
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