eReader Tablet Comparison; B&N Nook Tablet, B&N Nook Color, Kindle Fire, HTC Flyer


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Yesterday we brought you some news about Barnes & Noble bringing a competitor, the Nook Tablet, forward to fight the impending Kindle Fire from Amazon. Today we have a great comparison chart above from PhoneArena for both products, that also includes the older model Nook Color and the HTC Flyer. Basically, these tablets are creating a new niche that could be called the "eReader Tablet", and each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the winner will likely be decided by the quantity and quality of the content that the device provides access to.

What's really interesting about this head-to-head competition is that these newer devices are going to really start pushing the Android tablet technology into the mainstream, and will solidify Android's place in the tablet market while driving forward toward market dominance. It's ironic, yet not surprising, that these devices pose the greatest threat to the reigning king of tablets, the Apple iPad series, because they technically don't really compete for the same customers. The reason for this is simply that in the final assessment, most consumers do not really care about the device. They care about what content the device provides. Once again, we see that as long as there is good competition in the marketplace, consumers are the winners.

Sound off in the forums which one or more of these tablets you are considering for yourself or your family.

Source: PhoneArena
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I thought that the kindle fire only has 512M of RAM. Also, it depends where to look.. the htc flyer wifi version in bestbuy comes with 512M of RAM too.
Correct, Fire only has 512 MB but also has an IPS screen, which was specified for the Nook Tablet.