Erratic Touch Screen Input


Jan 11, 2012
Hello everyone. This is my first post here, just wanted to provide information in case anyone else experiences the problems with this tablet that I have faced.

My tablet was, unfortunately, defective. The touch screen registered random inputs, which was confirmed using a multitouch application. Acer recommended doing a hardware reset, suggesting it might be due to static buildup on the tablet. This failed to work, and the tablet remained virtually useless. It turned out to be a defective hardware problem, requiring shipment to Acer. Luckily, I was, of course, under warranty. Shipping was free of charge via FedEx. I sent the tablet off today; I look forward to getting a functional one back; I will try to remember to post an update once I receive the unit.

Thanks, can't wait to be able to use the tablet, and see why everyone here likes it so much.
I wonder if they also walked you thru Settings / Screen / Touch Panel Sensitivity?
You didn't mention it, but it is the obvious first step, so I assume you tried that first.
Hi stt! Welcome to the forum! So sorry to read about your touch screen problem. Unfortunately, as with everything out on the market, there are some with problems for whatever reasons. I am more than pleased to tell you, I have had very little problems with my A500, and the minor problems I have had are just the nature of the Android beast, which is improving all the time with each update. My little glitches are almost all gone since the last update.

Thank you for posting, and I sincerely hope you get your beauty back as soon as possible. I absolutely LOVE mine and use it every day and twice on Sunday. :) Looking forward to more of your posts telling us how much you love yours.