External Keyboard


May 23, 2012
I've got a 7042-4, and am amazed with this device! I've got a case/keyboard from Amazon, and have read some reviewers mentions of a USB Host setting.
The tablet has ICS OS, and I'm damned if I can find anything in the settings referring to any USB host settings. Anyone here try one of these keyboards, and did you have eny problems getting the tablet to see the keyboard?

Further explanation. The original keyboard was evidently DOA. My laptop wouldn't see it either. I sent the vendor (SFPlanet) an email, and they immediately sent me a replacement. This one works fine with the laptop - BUT - (and here's where it gets embarassing) I lost the USB converter cable, so I can't do anything till I get another one. I bought 2 OTG (on the go) USB Female to mini USB male adapters from Dealextreme, but God knows when they'll get here. I'm probably overthinking this, and the keyboard's gonna work just fine when I get the adapter.

Any advice that anyone cares to share would be really appreciated. This is a really helpful board, thanks to those who run it!
I've used mine both with a keyboard and a mouse and they worked fine. I then went out and bought a case with a keyboard in it and it also works fine.

There should not be any settings that you have to change, just plug it in, wait a second, and it starts working.

Thanks for the answer. I may take a ride to Radio Shack if DX takes longer than another few days. It shipped about a week ago.
The 2-pak of OTG adapters got here yesterday. One was DOA for the keyboard, but worked fine for thumbdrive. (??)
The other one is perfect - Coby instantly recognized the keyboard, and all is well.
I put in a ticket at DX for a replacement - but even if I don't get one, $2.20 is a good price for one!

EDIT: DX is sending me a new pack of 2 adapters, and apologized for the bad one.
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DX got the replacements out to me, and they showed up a couple days ago. Both work fine, so I'm set for a while on them!