Extra Root Functions and some problems!


Aug 28, 2012
Hello Everybody !

I bought about 2 weeks back a TX10 iMuz Tablet at spain and i'm very happy with it, now i got some questions about Rooting (he's rootable*) :

1. Can you install all apps and other things you see in google play store for free ?
2. Are there risks at rooting ?
3. Does rooting effect your Ram Ussage ?
4. Can i still use Wi-Fi?

And i have some problems with my tablet (from the beginning)

1. If i use my Browser or a app or a game sometimes it just says ''Browser has stopped working'' but it isnt like once a week... (i can use the browser but not always)
2. its getting really slow some times.
3. when i wanna rent a movie @ google play i cant find any movie in English (with or without dutch subtitles.)

I hope you guys can help me, and for the admins etc. sorry if i said something thats against the rules im new and dont know of question 1 from rooting is allowed.


(Sorry for my bad english, im from Holland.)
Rooting is perfectly fine, it just opens up the layers of Android to give you full control of your device. This does have some drawbacks since you will have access to files which you shouldn't change or delete and there is the possibility that you could allow unverified apps to be loaded which could have viruses or worse. Carefully choosing what you do while rooted can keep you out of trouble (like not erasing any files you don't understand or downloading apps only from trusted sources.

1. There are some free apps in the Google Play Store but rooting won't allow you to get paid apps for free from there. Not all apps in the Google Play Store will be available in all regions of the world.
2. Answered above.
3. Rooting shouldn't effect your RAM usage but it may allow you to install apps such as task managers which can effect the use of RAM (usually to free up more in that case).
4. Rooting will not change the ability to use wifi.

For the browser there are many options in the Google Play Store. You may want to try a few out to see if you find one that works better for you.
1. and 2. A different browser may fix this issue.
3. Not all regions have access to the same media options. I am not sure how renting movies works in Holland.

You might want to check this out for alternatives to the Google Play Store http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...ernatives-android-market-amazon-appstore.html.

Thank you for your wise answers !

I just have 3 more questions!

You answered my question about the browser that has stopped working, but its too at the gallery when i watch movies and listening music, and its too at games and apps, do you know how to fix this ?

and can you download movies at your PC and than put on your tablet and watch in your bed ?

and cant you download apps like doodle jump from google or something for a rooted tablet ?

i hope you can help me ! :D

It sounds like you may be having some system issues. Since you table is new I would try a factory reset (check the manual but usually it involves powering on by holding the power and vol+ or vol- buttons at the same time). That may fix your system issues.

Yes, you can transfer movies from the PC to the tablet. You can do this my either copying the files onto an SD card (if your tablet supports one) and then inserting the card into your tablet or you can connect the tablet to the PC with a USB cabled. Once connected it should show up as a drive and you can move any files you want to it (movies, documents, music).

Yes, you should be able to download any apps from Google that you can normally download. Rooting will not change this ability.
Thank you for your answer, by my tablet its very simple, i can just go to settings and do ''factory settings.''
but can i make a backup of my apps and place them back up after going back to factory settings ?
Thank you for your answer, by my tablet its very simple, i can just go to settings and do ''factory settings.''
but can i make a backup of my apps and place them back up after going back to factory settings ?

Yes you can make backups of your apps with an app like Titanium Backup. Most backup apps do require root access. Any app you have already download from the Play Store (both free and paid) will always be available to you by going into the Play Store then the my apps section. It is simply a matter of reinstalling any app you want from there, though any data for the app won't be available without a backup (for example level progress and scores in a game app).