factory installed virus protection


Apr 6, 2013
Hi everyone -- I just recently purchased a galaxy tab S4 8.4 (NOT the Pro) and am wondering if there is virus protection already installed on the device at time of purchase. Or how do I find out if there is or isn't? Also, I am truly a newbie at this. Thanks for your help.
Samsung doesn't bundle antivirus software with their devices. In fact, the vast majority of manufacturers don't, simply because viruses are virtually unheard of on Android. Download Avast, AVG, or Lookout from the Play Store and you'll be fine.
Samsung doesn't bundle antivirus software with their devices. In fact, the vast majority of manufacturers don't, simply because viruses are virtually unheard of on Android. Download Avast, AVG, or Lookout from the Play Store and you'll be fine.
Thank you so much for your help! I'm sure I'll have many more issues/questions (at some point) as I learn how to use this. Again, thank you.
I use Avast. It has a built-in firewall (if rooted), which allows me to eliminate AFWall+ from my device. It also doesn't automatically flag apps that are using test keys, which is something Lookout did - a lot. On my Dell Streak, the version of Spirit FM I had modified was using Android test keys. Every time I ran a scan or ran the app itself, Lookout would flag the app. For someone who routinely roots devices and modifies apps it got to be annoying, so I switched to Avast, as Avast is what I use on my PCs anyway. I don't know if AVG does the same thing, but I would think it's smart enough not to.