Fine Point Stylus pen


Aug 23, 2011
Is there a fine point stylus pen that works on galaxy tab 10.1

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Is there a fine point stylus pen that works on galaxy tab 10.1

I don't think you'll find any fine-point stylus for a capacitive (multi-touch) screen. They're not designed for fine-point access. As an artist, I prefer fine-control, so that's one reason I've opted for a cheaper, resistive (single-touch) screen; I've had a fine-point pen/stylus combination for years that I used originally on an HP Jornada PDA.
I've found that for drawing the best stylus is the Dagi. A clear disc of plastic touches the screen, but you see through it, as if you were drawing with a fine point. For games where you might tap the screen with some force, I use the hollow rubber tipped AYL, just don't like the sound of the relatively hard plastic of the Dagi hitting the screen. Paulsam7, as you can see from my avatar, I make exotic wood styli with nylon nibs for resistive screens, I still use them on my Tapwave Zodiac.
Capacitive screens CAN use capacitive styli. Adonit and Dagi are two that were recommended to me. I use a cheap Pogo that I got on Amazon but it is always about 2mm away from where I think I am pressing. So it can make it annoying when annotating textbooks and all of a sudden instead of underling i am crossing out! :)

i plan to buy an Adonit Job this Christmas. a bit pricey but they will attach to the tablet without scratching it or getting lost in my backpack. :)

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I've found that for drawing the best stylus is the Dagi. A clear disc of plastic touches the screen, but you see through it, as if you were drawing with a fine point. For games where you might tap the screen with some force, I use the hollow rubber tipped AYL, just don't like the sound of the relatively hard plastic of the Dagi hitting the screen.
I wanted to amend my original post to say that I now think that the Adonit Jot is the best stylus for drawing or writing! It is similar to the Dagi, except instead of having the plastic disc attached to a spring, it is a ball and socket, much better engineering.
The touch pen for ipad can be used for capacitive touch screen. The below items are just ok.
For the price, I'm tempted to try it too, but from my knowledge of capacitive styli, there is no way that it could work. Since I seem to be into amendments, after using the stylus some, I really like the rubber (AYL) and dielelectric iFaraday) styluses better than the Jot (plastic disc)! Just the sound and feel of the hard plastic disc against the glass is a similar experience of nails on a chalkboard. Maybe it's just me!
We-e-l-l-l, I did buy it, but after googling "ithrough review," may never see it! Oh well, at least I'll only be out $2.49. If it does come...and actually works, I'm going to post rave reviews and an apology!
We-e-l-l-l, I did buy it, but after googling "ithrough review," may never see it! Oh well, at least I'll only be out $2.49. If it does come...and actually works, I'm going to post rave reviews and an apology!
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to issue my apologies and somewhat of a rave review. First off, it came! Secondly, it works! Actually, when I first got it, I tried using the fine point, which I new couldn't possibly work on a capacitive screen...and it didn't! Then I realized that the other end, the rubber one, was for capacitive screens. It does work if you keep the stylus at about a 45 degree angle, but there is a little too much resistance for me (I prefer the hollow rubber nib of the AYL, where you don't have to worry about keeping a certain angle). Bottom line, it is both a resistive and capacitive stylus...a pretty good bargain for $2.49. I really don't see how they do it sending it all the way from Hong Kong...with no extra shipping charges!
I just bought a Pogo Capacitive Stylus and it is by far the best I have used. It has some sort of fabric tip that glides over the glass without the friction that makes rubber tipped Stylus useles for anything but button presses. This thing has a fine, as capacitive stylus tips go the finest I've yet found, and just plain works. I believe the model was marked Pogo Sketch and retails for $14.99 although I paid 9.99 and probably it could be had for much less. In fact I will be looking to buy a couple backups. I've been using FreeNote on my Galaxy Tab 7 Plus and I can't wait to try it with my Transformer with the SuperNote app that comes stock.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I am thinking about buying an tablet to reduce my paper usage. There are some tablets which use a very thin pen, like the HTC Flyer, Galaxy Note 10.1 and the ThinkPad tablet. But I don't know if its a good idea to by nowadays a tablet without full-hd. The pixel density of those devices is smaller than on my htc desire. However, when they can use such pens why they cant be used for other tablets and why is there no place to buy such pens.
r2p2 said:
I am thinking about buying an tablet to reduce my paper usage. There are some tablets which use a very thin pen, like the HTC Flyer, Galaxy Note 10.1 and the ThinkPad tablet. But I don't know if its a good idea to by nowadays a tablet without full-hd. The pixel density of those devices is smaller than on my htc desire. However, when they can use such pens why they cant be used for other tablets and why is there no place to buy such pens.

These particular tablets use a capacitive a screen with a digitizer layer rather than capacitive only like most tablets these days. They work like a wacom graphics tablet in a sense. I'm very excited about the Galaxy Note 10.1, the resolution isn't an issue for me.

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