First impressions (and a possible hardware problem)


Nov 28, 2012
I decided to take a chance and bought three eGlide4 tablets to give to my kids as Christmas presents. I ordered them online from Walmart for $59.99 each. (The same tablet seemed to be available for Black Friday for $20 less, but I didn't want to wait a few days and take chance on them being sold out.) I opened the first one, charged it up, and spent a week playing with it. The plan was that if it sucked too badly, I could return the other two unopened.

The first thing I noticed was that even with the protective plastic screen cover removed, the touch screen didn't work well. The tablet never seemed to recognize my finger, although using my nail or a DS stylus worked fairly well. On the other hand, it didn't have any problems with my wife's smaller hands, so my kids shouldn't have any problems, either. One problem I noticed pretty quickly, this particular model doesn't seem to have a camera, and selecting the camera app from the lock screen would cause the tablet to reboot. After playing around with the built-in apps, I installed the Amazon app store and a bunch of free games. Curiously, the games seemed to be more responsive than the desktop. Eventually, I decided to set the tablet up so my kids would have a good out-of-box experience.

After getting things the way that I like them, I downloaded the SanDisk Memory Zone app and backed everything up to a micro SD card. Then I opened and charged the next tablet. Firing it up for the first time, the "My Pad" app doesn't work. As that's the only way to (easily) access the micro SD card, I guess I'll try to exchange it for another. First, though, I'm going to charge up the third one and see how it works.
Yes, these are RESISTIVE touchscreens so they take a little more 'push' and work best on small fingers... which is why I prefer to use a stylus from another unit I have with it.
You might want to try having the 2nd unit do a 'factory reset' (thru settings) and see if it clears up the MyPad issue...
Hope the youngsters like them!

The factory reset was the first thing I tried. :( The strange thing is, all the other apps seem to work OK, but My Pad clears the screen and drops me back to the desktop. The good news is, the third tablet is working OK, except that SanDisk Memory Zone isn't able to find my backup on the SD card. :mad: So far, copying the apk files to the root directory seems to work. I wish I knew of an app that lets you install a batch of apk files unattended. I guess I need to call eMatic's tech support line and try to get the bad tablet exchanged.
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That would be the best idea... and I have had dealings with them. I consider them to be probably the best support Ive ever interacted with.
They will want a copy (image is ok) of your purchase receipt but it can be sent by email...

They might be able to help with the backup question too, since I have never used the app you refer to. :D