first post, 2 questions


Jan 25, 2012
first, thank you for taking the time to read my post and offering to help me. i am new to this forum and think i know the answer to my questions but wasnt sure if there is something i am missing. i am going on a business trip in less than a week and will be bringing my tablet galaxy 10.1 i plan to use the tab for taking notes, and will be in meetings for about 8 hours with very limited access to a power outlet. i am wondering if i will make it? i plan to turn on airplane mode, reduce my screen brightness down to very low (my meeting is in an arena, with very little light) and have the screen time out set to 5 mins. is there anything else i can to to conserve bat power. addtionally, is there a specific note taking app that is favored on these boards. i have used my memo app, which is limited to 1500 char. and i have used the office hd app preinstalled the office app has such a bright screen, is there a way to change background color to black and text to white so the white pixels are shut down to conserve bat power? tks in advance
Yes try and end running apps cause they use alot of battery and there are alot of good battery saving apps you should check out one of them in the android market just type in batter saver or battery booster.

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