Flash Player 10.2 on the G-tab


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2010
Side loaded the official release of flash 10.2 to my G-tab this evening, this is supposed to be the Tegra optimized version for the Xoom... it works very well... only annoyance is the content shows up as little arrows..You have to tap the field to bring it up... played several long length vids on Youtube... 2 full episodes of Stargate universe broken down into 15 min segments... total of 2hrs play time... plus somcontented content on Droid-Life...

The version I'm running is I couldn't get it to show up in the market so I did a back up from my DroidX via Astro file manager sent it to my tablet and loaded it... rebooted just to be on the safe side... so far so good... will continue to put it througu it's rigors and report back...
Nice! Please let us know how it goes. I would be very interested to try this out as well. I just need to find the apk for it.
After playing around with the tablet all weekend with the usual sites that i know of flash... everything seems to work great... no hesitations or paues or glitches....

the only con i could find was that you can't change the video resolution on Youtube vids.. it sets it via auto detect.. you can hit the resolution button to try and change it and the otptions appear for a split second then disappear... being that it is this way.. i could only get the videos i tried to play at 480p.. which seemed ok for most of them but really woulda liked to put the Nvidia chipset to task with 720p...

the Flash Showcase app in the market doesn't recognize the newer version of Flash says i have to install flash 10.1.. so i couldn't try anysite that Adobe says are ment to task Flash... i sent in a bug report ot Adobe.. maybe they'll get it fixed..

and still no luck on Hulu... :( .... (greed mongers)...
It's the one straight off the market... you can get it via your droid 2 back it up via astro then transfer the file to your gtab with Bluetooth file transfer.. that's how i did it...

tried to upload here but kept failing.. not sure if i have privliges to upload somethign that big.. it's a 4.24Mb file... shoot me a PM with your email i'll send it to you that way... maybe you can get it uploaded here....
It's the one straight off the market... you can get it via your droid 2 back it up via astro then transfer the file to your gtab with Bluetooth file transfer.. that's how i did it...

tried to upload here but kept failing.. not sure if i have privliges to upload somethign that big.. it's a 4.24Mb file... shoot me a PM with your email i'll send it to you that way... maybe you can get it uploaded here....

Thanks man! I was able to back it up via Astro and put it on my gtab. Installed like a charm and haven't had any issues. yet. If you don't mind I will add this to my write up.
Was on the market for me. Hoping someone hacks it for HULU though.

-> jdavis177

are you running a custom rom?... I looked it up on the web market and it said it wasn't compatible with my device... it had my Gtab listed as a "NVIDIA VEAGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1"

Curious to weather the tablet device description/label is blocking it showing up in the market...