Flashplayer not working on superpad vi


Jun 22, 2012
Hi guys, I am a complete noob when it comes to tablets. I have been given a Superpad vi as a gift with a Android 2.3 OS installed. It came with flash player installed, which has recently updated to flash 11.1. I can view you tube videos fine, but any video that streams from a site or games from miniclip for instance do not work. Where the video or game is meant to be is just shown as a green arrow pointing down. I have tried using multiple web browsers, these include firefox, the basic browser that came as standard and skyfire, which all fail. Any assistance would be fantastic. Really appreciate your time :)
Did you try pressing on that green arrow? It may be that your browser is set to not use flash player by default unless you need it. Youtube works with flash or html5 so its ok even if flash was not active.