flickering white please help


Jan 19, 2011
So my tablet is on the charger charging from dead. When I plugged it in it would flicker white at first (Even if dead this obviously should not happen) then the longer I let it charge then try to boot it you can see the cruz start up logo then it flickers white and goes crazy again.

I am trying to be patient and let it charge fully before attempting to boot again. The ONLY thing I can think of that may have happened is that the tablet was in a rather hot room and it is summer but I am not in AZ or anything. I did not drop it and no water could have touched it...any ideas?? Thanks.
I know this thread is over a year old but you possible will still get an email showing that I have posted to your thread. Is there anything you figured out about this problem? I ordered a brand new battery and nothing changed. I see other people saying they are getting stuck at the Android screen, but mine simply flashes the second the battery is plugged in and that is about it. let me know personally if you have an answer for me. just email at matthmelk@gmail.com