Flytouch 3 superpad new model po41 how to get root access

Aug 21, 2011
I tried this method and it worked. you will need to download launcher-pro and Titanium Backup and z4root

Here are the steps that worked for me:eek:nce you have pro-launcher you press menu on top of tablet to do the rest below
1. LauncherPro
2. Menu
3. Add
4. Shortcuts
5. Activities
6. Settings
7. Development
8. Development, OK
9. Development, Check USB Debugging
10. z4root.1.3.0
After doing the usb de-bugging part i went into settings and uninstalled the pro-launcher app.It then returned back to my infortm home screen.from there i did the z4root launch and then opened Titanium Backup
thanks, this was helpful. I am now struggling to do a firmware flask of the same model - hoping to move from 2.2 to 2.3. Cannot seem to make any combination happen right. Can you give me some tips. I have a thread going at beldingroad with all the pretenant data