For Parents Who Bought the Toys R Us BF Deal - Sylvania 7" SYTAB7MX


Nov 25, 2011
I want to warn all parents who got this last night and today - DO NOT WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS DAY TO OPEN THIS! You will have a very frustrated kid waiting for you to set it up - it's going to take a few hours. I suggest fully charging it and doing some of the steps below before wrapping it up and putting it under the tree....

Give it a good full charge. Upon turning it on, you must update the firmware....very important...this can take up to an hour and the instructions are in the manual.

Don't go into it thinking you can easily get Angry Birds and Netflix for your kids. You will be very disappointed. The app market that comes with it is not that great.

You will need to root the tablet (I downloaded z4root). It will say you need to enable USB debugging, but I may happen like it did to me where when you go to Settings>Application, the development selection is not there. You will then need to find a download of Launcher Pro (or at least a different launcher than it comes with). Once that's installed, press down on the "desktop" and add shortcut...go to Activities>Settings and browse through the items to Development. That shortcut will allow you to check off "Enable USB debugging", then reopen z4root and root the device. You can now download either the Amazon Appstore for Android or the Android Marketplace and get the more popular apps your kids will enjoy....

This is a cheap tablet, but I think it could be a perfect gift for a 6-12 year old for the price with a little tweaking.

I just know with the hoards of people out there that bought this BF deal are not going to be very tech savvy or as patient as I was and just think they bought a piece of actually is a good little tablet for the price....

Now, they just need to make an otterbox for it so my 9 year old doesn't destroy it physically....
It's important for people buying any minor brand (budget) tablet to understand that they're going to have to put forth a bit of effort to have what they want. They aren't iPads. They aren't Honeycomb tablets. If you're paying a budget/toy price, it's a budget/toy product.

Definitely set them up and download a few games/apps and TEST DRIVE them.

Sent from my DROIDX using Android Tablet Forum
Need help in rooting this device to get Android Market on it.. Please help... Kcaron 23.... Thank you....
Welcome to the site kcaron23 and JamaKris!

Join the discussion in the Sylvania Tablets forum where there are some resources to make this tablet just a little bit less frustrating.

WARNING: The screen is the first thing to break and is easily broken poking the stylus while playing Angry Birds. There are NO known replacement parts and breakage is NOT covered under the warranty. Also, Android Market is not supported on most Android 2.2 tablets. Seek other alternatives as attempting to get a working Market is extremely frustrating and fraught with issues. Finally, DO NOT update the firmware as the update servers either have the same or old beta versions for download. The shipping version on these devices is typically the latest.

Request - If possible, please post the Hardware ID "hwver" for the device in the Sylvania Tablets forum as often the Model number is hard coded into the Settings application and misidentifies the tablet. This information will assist other users find the specific information they need.

Hardware Id "hwver" -

Latest firmware update - Version Code 3 - SYTAB7MX_Android_132868.ius
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They are on sale again today only for $75.
Can you give me any info on them? Are they restrictive screen? Is it hard to root (as in I have never done anything like that and have no clue)? I am looking for a cheap tablet for my 2 sons (ages 6 and 13) basically for angry birds, ereaders, surf the web and netflix.
**Update** 11/30/2011 - Just installed Android Market and can download apps from it.. also the rest of google apps... including... maps, voice, streets, mail, chat ... If you need help.. will tell you how to root it and install the True Google Market and apps.. Going to write a tutorial on this Tablet... Sylvania SyTab7Mx rooted and running all Google Apps.
great info! did you try using skype, and doing video? it supposed to work if android is 2.2 or later... buy i am a little hesitant... thanks!
Well dh is now saying it must work without a stylus or the boys will hate it and lose the stylus blah. Will this run without the stylus (just using your finger) if so I will run out right now and get it. Also (sorry for so many questions) without routing it can you get to amazon market to download apps and run angry birds and netflix or do you have to root it first?
Thank you all so much.
yes it will daphne.. i had to tweak the setting after i rooted it and it works with out the stylus now.... and better wifi after some settings was tweaked.. Also have to root it first to do all the modifying for amazon app market, google app market and others.... easy to root and modify.
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**Update** 11/30/2011 - Just installed Android Market and can download apps from it.. also the rest of google apps... including... maps, voice, streets, mail, chat ... If you need help.. will tell you how to root it and install the True Google Market and apps.. Going to write a tutorial on this Tablet... Sylvania SyTab7Mx rooted and running all Google Apps.

Hey JamaKris, Any chance I can get instructions on rooting and getting the Android Market installed? I'm a noobie to the Android world. Just bought the Sytab7mx and should have it by Monday. Its a gift for my 7 year old so I'd like to get it configured with some good games and such from the Android or Amazon Markets before Xmas.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Search tooll folks, search tool. We're a friendly little portion of the forums, but every three months we get half a dozen new folks asking about how to root/tweak/mod/transform these tabs. There may be slight variences in the hardware as far as which ones have the accellerometer, which ones have the HDMI out, or in the case of the most recent gadget, being a netbook version; however, the OS seems to be the same. So the steps found by searching the forums should work out.
Thanks for the responses Rrok007 and JamaKris.

I've been reviewing the info on this site and gathering up the necessary info, as soon as I get my tablet (scheduled for Monday delivery), Ill test out the rooting.

JamaKris, I'll pm you if I hit a snag or have any questions.

I'd also recommend parents buy/install protective film for the screen, if possible. Kids will scratch the heck out of these in a hurry!!