Found a freeware which can let us read iBooks on any device!

Feb 14, 2012
Does any body feel that we can only read ibooks on IOS device unfair like me???
I have a iTouch and Nook Color, i spend my iTunes giftcard on purchasing iBooks, but everytime i feel tired of reading books on tiny Touch screen, i found that i can't read it even on Mac. This is bloody ridiculous!
I found a soft called Requiem, it can crack iBooks DRM then i can read it on my NC.

I won't send the DRM free ebook to anybody else. i just want to read ibooks on a large screen!

(I don't know whether i can share the link here, if yes, please leave a message and let me know; if no, send me email, i will share you the link.
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You could link to an article like this Apple's FairPlay DRM for iBooks cracked by Requiem app | The Verge. Also you can choose not to buy iBooks. Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Google all have book reader programs that work across platforms so you can buy books from them and read them on any device. There are also other book markets which sell books in common formats like epub which can be read by these programs or others like Aldiko. I also understand Calibre is pretty good at changing book formats.

Let your wallet vote and don't buy from somebody who is going to lock you down (although Amazon has a propitiatory format at least they let you load the reader on everything). I understand you may not have a choice when it comes to gift cards but there are plenty of options out there if you don't like being tied to one system or format.

Thanks for the heads up.
I also understand Calibre is pretty good at changing book formats.

Calibre is very good at converting formats. I used it on some books from Project Gutenburg that my Nook didn't recognize and they appeared on my Nook bookshelf.