Fried Tablet?


Jan 15, 2012
Alright, I am going to try to explain this to the best of my ability, This weekend, I went to my couisons house, the tablet was working fine as I was trying to get the WIFI to start working, It started to run outta battery so I plugged it in, the lighting bolt showed for a few minutes, then disapeared and would not show up again, I turned it off then back on and the it loaded up, but still no lighting bolt, after it finally died, the Sylvania logo would show up, but it would not have the white streak that goes through the words while it loads up, then a _ at the top left, then it shuts off again, I tried switching it to different volts while it was plugged in (which my fiance and I think is what might've fried it...) now the charger. it's a multi-charger (the head can be changed so it can charge different things) and we plugged it into the DVD player we have and it charged fine, So what I'm wondering is if I fried the system and if there's anything we can do for it?
Multi chargers will not work on these. You need the proper charger. These tablets use a switching power supply charger to charge the lithium-ion battery.

These use double 3.7 batteries in series and take a 9volt charger.

All batteries in these (all tablets) have built in protection (on the battery) so you can`t overcharge them.

The sylvania that you have has the fuse/diode/ 3.3volt regulator. If you start playing around with different chargers you will take out these components.

In your case sounds like the 3.3volt regulator. These fail low and run at 2.7 volts. They are made to fail low so other components won`t get damaged.
Is there anything I can do for it? or is it dead? I don't have the original charger, our dog (still a puppy) chewed on the original and the tip of it was chewed compleatly off, and for a while the multicharger seemed to work just fine.
You will need to start with the correct charger or replace the end on yours. I have used the tips from the multi charger you have and soldered them to the original power pack. watch polarity, positve should be the center of the plug (standard) mostly.

Your charger (original) most likely still works. If you don`t know how to solder take it to a tv shop and throw the guy a couple of bucks.

Watch chargers on ebay not all are correct and some are cheap knock-offs.
Thank you very much guys, I think we have the same chargers, I'll try to find it and talk to my fiance about Soldering.