From a beginner


Aug 18, 2012
Hi! I'm jpalmken and new to forum participation so all this is a learning experience and, at my age, I learn slowly.

I just got a TF300T and am trying to figure it out. I am not familiar with smart phones or pads so it is all a new world to me. I am starting out trying to load an epub format book to read but having no luck
Hi! I'm jpalmken and new to forum participation so all this is a learning experience and, at my age, I learn slowly.

I just got a TF300T and am trying to figure it out. I am not familiar with smart phones or pads so it is all a new world to me. I am starting out trying to load an epub format book to read but having no luck

Congratulations on your TF300, and we were all new once, to tablets and forums. Your best bet for E-Books is to settle on a provider if you want commercial EPUB files. Or there are some places with free E-Books as well. This would be a good start for free ones.

614 Places for Free eBooks Online

There is lots of additional information here on the forum. Enjoy.
Hi jpalmken, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I've moved your other posts to the Asus TF300 Forum and hopefully, someone there will be able to help you with that epub problem. Enjoy the forum and your new tablet!