G Tablet Bricked Help please


Aug 9, 2011
So I first installed cyanogen mod 7.0 correctly with CWM and I stupidly went into rom manager and installed the update to CWM and yesterday I recently booted into cwm but it failed and the whole tablet crashed and I have a black screen.

The tablet wont turn on now completely black screen and I am worried that I fully bricked it. The tablet can also charge with the charging lights working currently I am letting it sit to drain power and try and restart it.

I am sure its not a power issue but I have read that it may be stuck in apk mode and I tried to connect it to the computer and all that showed up on my computer was a unkown device not a apk with a yellow exclamation point so I cannot nv flash or install the drivers for the tablet... I tried on another computer also it wasn't showing up im on windows 7 by the way.

Also, I tried to boot in apk and nothing happened I pushed the power and minus button...

So could someone help me please It would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
Yep, if you've got a black screen but power works, it sounds like APX mode. So OK, step 1 is getting your PC to recognize the gTab!

Here is a link to the driver(s) you'll need so that your PC will recognize the gTab in APX mode: http://www.myadventvega.co.uk/SystemUSB.zip

The driver is on the Advent-Vega homepage: Advent | Vega Internet tablet. And a good how-to on installing the driver as well as learning how to do nvflash is here: [RECOVERY] nvflash FULL restore, using either 1.1 or 1.2 based images - [G-TABLET] - SlateDroid.com. Nvflash is (in my opinion) a must-learn skill for gTab owners, so read through the first post in the last link and see if it makes sense.

I would assume, when you're ready to try nvflashing, that you'll go back to CM7, which I'd guess is on the bootloader 1.1 branch (double check that!). If so, make sure to use the 3588 image for nvflash (not 4349, which is for ROMs using the 1.2 bootloader).

Give the APX driver a try first, and see if you can get your PC to recognize your gTab...and then we'll take it from there!

Wow I let the battery competely drain and I woke up and crossed my fingers and it turned on into a boot loop I got to apx mode and everything is snazzy and working now:)
Question can you go from 1.2 to 1.1 since most roms are 1.1 and I am on 1.2.....
You can go back to the 1.1 thread, but you will need to completely reflash your tab to the 1.1 bootloader using an NVFlash 1.1 image. Go back to the link in Matt's post above, and you should see what you need there.
Hi Noob here, so please have mercy. I was installing Clockwork, and decided to try a wipe to factory specs. Now I get the birds, and the message in the upper-left that says it's booting to a recover kernel image, but it just hangs there. It's been 2 hours. Powering off and on again, I see the same prompt and no activity. Is there any hope?
[h=6]I have the same situation as iRocco. I am having trouble with ROM Manager and ClockworkMod & don't know where to go. I have a G tablet and tried to flash a ROM after installing these apps. Now I only get the initial Viewsonic birds screen with "Booting recovery kernal image" text. Where would I go to get some help on this?[/h]
Since you already were doing factory resets, just do a full NVFLASH on the gtab and you should be fine.

Sent from my Flashback 10.0 using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks for the input. Unfortunately I can't get the tablet past the birds screen with the "booting recovery Kernel image" message. Any further ideas or advice?


The device wasn't being seen by windows. I tried turning off. I probably mis-read something someplace because I had been holding the volume-up button and then pressing the power switch. When I tried the volume-down button and power switch, it went into APX mode and I was able to run the NVFlash batch.

Thanks guys. Looks like I'm up and running. Can't wait to find new ways to screw this up... :)
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It is actually a pretty hard tablet to truly brick, but there are definitely some times i thought I had done it
If you are looking for new ways, then there are none better than to continue using ROM Manager on a GTab. On the bright side, if you DO keep using it you should become an expert on recoveries in no time flat. ;) There is a known and published issue with a MAJOR conflict between the GTablet and ROM Manager. It's one device it should NEVER be used on.