Galaxy Tablet 10.1, is savings screen-shots, but not displaying them in gallery???


Apr 26, 2012
Hey folks (did a search for screenshots but nothign came up), I've got a quirk that I could use some help with please.

I can take screenshots fine, but other than the very first one I've taken, none of them display in the gallery. I can view them in 'my files' under the respective folder, but they won't display in gallery?? Right now when I open gallery, I see the camera folder, the screen shots folder (with only the first ever screenie I took), and the video folder.

Any thoughts on how to remedy that?

This is the 10.1 Galaxy Tablet, so there's no memory card that I think, should be 'mounted' or what not. I just have 16gb harddrive to make use of.

Thanks for your help.
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Hey folks (did a search for screenshots but nothign came up), I've got a quirk that I could use some help with please.

I can take screenshots fine, but other than the very first one I've taken, none of them display in the gallery. I can view them in 'my files' under the respective folder, but they won't display in gallery?? Right now when I open gallery, I see the camera folder, the screen shots folder (with only the first ever screenie I took), and the video folder.

Any thoughts on how to remedy that?

This is the 10.1 Galaxy Tablet, so there's no memory card that I think, should be 'mounted' or what not. I just have 16gb harddrive to make use of.

Thanks for your help.

Hmm it shows up in mine under screen capture folder.. exit gallery and go back in

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
^^ Android 3.2
No app., it is stock. There's four buttons default set in the bottom left system tray/task bar (whatever it's called). The fourth one from the left is the screenshot button.

^ that doesn't solve it. I've done that since the beginning. What your post did however get me to do was try to take screen caps in various programs, to narrow down if it was the game I was playing that wasn't processing them. Kind of getting it to work now all-of-a-sudden. Really strange. I could see if the pics don't even get captured-that's one thing, but for them to BE but not display in Gallery is just weird.
After connecting the tab to my computer and transferring pictures, magically, my screenshots started displaying.

For any other mysterious instances, I suggest doing the same thing. Now even new screenies that I take appear immediately "as they should" in the folder on the device.
