Gameloft HD Android games?


May 13, 2011
hello all,

anyone here have purchased games from them for tablets? Here's the URL:
Top Android Games in HD - Download Games for Android Now | Gameloft

I have registered an account with them, and the buying process ask which carriers you have and try to match up the brands with a specific model before the finalize the purchase, I am just curious if the game(s) can be installed properly. The other reason I am asking is before they dont really have any tablet listed, so I am not sure if they will work correctly...


I have bought a few games for my tablet from Gameloft and they were purchased, installed and play great on my my galaxy tab 10.1.

You should have no worries. I actually visited the gameloft site directly from my tablet and the site identified my device and showed me the games currently available for it. It was an easy experience and the games are fun.

I bought Hero of Sparta, Samurai II and N.O.V.A.

Good luck :)