Gapps help PLEASE!


Dec 27, 2012
MID9740 tab. I have rooted and have CWM installed successfully following a guide on here using the root_recovery.bat method. I believe the method was written by Traveller. Anyway, i have not been successful getting gapps installed correctly. I have tried several different's and they all have problems, including one rather fun-to-navigate upside down screen. Some just refuse to sign in, while others just throw up googleframework has stopped working...over and over and over. I don't really care about having access to the play store, i just want to sync my chrome bookmarks and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated! And i did follow the instructions correctly and have all the dump files if those are needed.
I have! and tried...over and over and over. I'm a novice to be sure, but not exactly an noob. I have exp on XDA, and here, as what they would call a lurker...i like reading. and i see, and read, how y'all hound stupid questions. In other words, i wouldn't have posted this question if i hadn't read, and tried, everything available. there are search functions, which i use.
Okay, i'm sorry. I think i did, indeed skip over this. Sorry. Flash this:
Disregard all my posts above. I'm a moron and you're friggin awesome!!! How i missed this is beyond me. everything works just GREAT using your ROM!!!! THANK you so much!!!!!

...update: Chrome synced perfectly and all is good! Again, vampirefo., THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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