Gdocs stored locally?


Jul 11, 2011
I'm using the app gdocs for sync-ing notes between outlook and google account for my droid x and now the thrive.
Is there any way to actually store the gdocs locally on the thrive?
Since when I need to look at any of the notes I might not be having WiFi...
I don't think so. You could copy and paste the text of the document into a note app or get an offline office app.
I think I might have figured it out ... if you select one by one, they get downloaded to the device and I think they will be only deleted if they get updated somewhere and then you would have to select them again. There is a color code going along with the state of being online or downloaded. So I will report later if this reall solved my request of having most of my notes available even when not online... but I think this might work.
Thanks anyway for the feedback.
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