Get on the internet using 3G with iRobot?


Mar 20, 2011
Hi ... I have an iRobot and I want to know how to get internet access when there isn't a wireless connection available ... can anyone help me with this? Thanks! ;) Suzanne
I am not really sure what's the model of your iRobot Tablet PC. If you can confirm the model number, you will find out which 3G adapter to support. For example, some Chinese Tablet PC support HUAWEI E1750, which is 3G network adapter. you can insert a 3G Sim card to this 3G Network adapter, Then plug-in this adapter to your Tablet PC. Finally, setup 3G Network on your Tablet will get the 3G connection in anywhere. P.S you must make sure what's type of network you use? For example, WCDMA etc...