Get Samsung 7.7 Onto Android UK


Nov 14, 2013
A friend bought a Samsung 7.7 when on holiday in China, it is full of random Chinese software and no Google Play Store.

Is there any guides available on how to get this onto a UK version of Android so he can use the Play Store and rid of the Chinese apps?

Also what is the best or rather cheapest way to get this unlocked so he can use a UK Sim.

Thanks in advance for any help offered
Unfortunately the link to download the Android 4.0.4 firmware does not work, does anybody have a link to a UK version of Android i can use. It does not really matter which version it is as long as it is suitable for the wifi+3g version.

Thanks again for any help offered
Unfortunately the link to download the Android 4.0.4 firmware does not work, does anybody have a link to a UK version of Android i can use. It does not really matter which version it is as long as it is suitable for the wifi+3g version.

Thanks again for any help offered

I have spent the last 2 hours trying to flash P6800XXLQG_P6800XEULQ2_P6800XXLPW_HOME.tar.md5 which should put the tablet on UK Andriod. However whenever i try to flash this onto the Chinese tablet with ODIN i get a failed message. DO i need to have the tablet with Custom Firmware on it for this to work or should i be able to flash this over Chinese Android?

Please help this is driving me crazy.

Could it be something up with the download? took me ages to find it and when i did i didnt 100% completely trust the site.
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