Get USB 3G modem working with A500 Questions


Oct 16, 2011
Hi there, I am trying to get my A500 working with a HUAWEI E173 usb 3g modem. I spent the whole day researching what is have to do. However i was not able to get it working and i don't know why.

Here is the steps i did:
1. First i tried this guide, but the sent me in a boot loop, so i looked for a ROM with integrated 3g support
2. I found and flashed Thor's rom (which is i think far the best)
3. In setting there is APN setup menu, however i did not find any save option, so i downloaded APN manager from market and was able to configure it through that
4. I resetted my usb modem following the bottom instructions on this guide again.
5. I downloaded a ril-daemon restarter,
6. I connected my modem to my device, restarted daemon, activated apn
7. Nothing happens, no connection, nothing

What am I doing wrong, what have i missed?

Please help guys!
There is currently no usb 3g support for wifi only tablets. The rom you used that has integrated 3g means it is for tablets that have 3g capability already built in to the tablet. You have to purchase a hardware device that will use your 3g sim card and shares to your a500 via wifi. You can find such devices that use batteries so they are portable also. Just search google for "3g portable wifi router" and you will find what you need to buy.
Thx for the asnwer, but you are wrong. There is a way to get A500 Wifi only working with 3g usb modems (not battery powered ones). I'm just not a developer, nor an experienced android user, so i think i must miss something obvious, that a developer would see immediately.

If you had read the xda developer page i linked, you would realize, that my modem (Huawei E173) is listed as compatible and working. A portable wifi router is around 200$, so yeah i could buy, but if i this can be done why would I?
when i click the thor link i read "ro.carrier=wifi-only is set by default, comment it if you need mobile data menus…."makes me think its not standard 3g support

well i got a huwei dongle (vodafone 3765)and its working with 3g
i have tabonay 2.1b rom installed.
it has a application (tabootools) where you can set it to wifi/3g
or wifi only
i preppered the dongle (disabled the cdrom/sdcard function)put in my 3g sim restart tablet and whola no wifi will automatic pick 3g tested and working verry nice on this rom.
i would succest to try it.

good luck
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Hi Wiro67!

Did you use the same methon that i used to disable cdrom/sdcard? I used Putty.
yep i used putty first few times i typed the command myself (did not work correct) so did copy the command
fom web tutorial and used richt mouse buton to paste in terminal worked right away got the ok message i needed.

once i done that i powerd down the tab put sim in modem put it in tablet powered on
when you go to settings to wireless & networks it should show "mobile networks"
here it does
if i disable wifi 3g kiks in inmediatly works verry good