

Sep 30, 2011
My daughter just gave me an Android tablet MID_M706S. She had misplaced the user manual & I have finally gotten it online, but I was trying to download the free Kindle app from amazon & I can't figure out how to get the download to show up. Amazon is asking for a wireless phone number & my device is not a phone. Does this mean the Amazon apps only work if the android is a phone? Also if anyone can tell me how I can find a user manual I would appreciate it.
Hello, welcome to the forum. Glad you could join us. Most of the Amazon apps work just fine with tablets, so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem. I'm moving your post to the Android Tablet Q&A section of the forum where someone should be able to help you out.
Amazon is asking for a wireless phone number & my device is not a phone.
It sounds like Amazon is behaving just the way the Android Marketplace behaves (expecting your account to be attached to a phone.) I know the Marketplace does that so it can charge your phone for paid apps you buy. Do you already have an Amazon account? If not, set one up and connect it to either PayPal or a credit card. Then when you go to Amazon on your tablet, log in to your regular account. Then the Amazon Appstore should recognize that account and anything you buy there will be charged the same as your other Amazon purchases.