going to get the nook color and will root it but need to know some things


Feb 23, 2012
hey all thanks for all your help. i will be geting a nook color and i will be rooting it from sd card it seems easy.
now what os should i get gingerbread does this work well with the nook color also after i do the update with the card do i take the card out of the nook or leave it also will i have any problems with wifi i have a kinda small home. and should i buy a used nook or just get a new unit thanks all this is a good cheap tablet for what i need it for
I have my NC rooted with CM7. I've had no problems with wifi or apps. As far as how you root your Nook. You have a couple of options. You can root to the internal memory on your Nook. Or, as most people do they keep the sd card in their tablet and root from there. This will also keep your warranty from being voided.