Google Android 1.6 Tablet PC

I think your next step is to wait for a device that isn't a cheap china knockoff then buy that. You probably got a lemon friend. Good luck getting a refund.
Do not buy any VIA 500-600 MHz CPU tablets. (All EKEN versions use this CPU config)
At this point, Rockchip tablets are far superior (even if they are by no mans any speed demons).
I think I screwed up royally. My Android Tablet 7" came but the language was stuck in Norwegian (I think) so I tried to reset. Now it is stuck on the Android screen. No menu, no home, just the little green robot. I'm as green as grass when it comes to this. Can I download the SDK to a memory card and try to re-install the 1.6 platform? How do I do this, provided it CAN be done? Or do I have a really nice paperweight? Be kind...I had a bad enough day with this $%#@! thing! LOL!
it aint funny guys...times are tuff and a lil girls heart is hard to dissappoint...hence the purchase of my Chinese apad/epad.... i too have a frozen screen w/android and wmt2.1.2_105 in the corner..t...i waited three weeks for it to come...3 days after christmas it daughter was happy as s^%....then we turned it on.
it has a VIA MW8505...i am not a computer genious (obviously or i wouldnt have bought it)...but i would love a way to get it to work...i've read about reflashing but cant find a thread that explains exactly what i need and how to do would be a blessing if one of u super moderators would come to her rescue. i have posted all the details i could find on my profile
I really hate to see post of people having problems and asking for help and some jerks making fun of them and not helping at all. This is a forum for people to post their problem and try to find answers or solutions for them not to get point at their faces and say sorry bad luck or hey you better get a new model. I have a 7 inch Generic Table PC with Android 1.6 when you power it up but inside the menu it show as 2.1 Firmware. There are so many models and configurations out there that to find a specific solution for all is very hard but not impossible. I have learned in 37 year that in the computer word nothing is impossible there are ways but they don't come that easy. So I'm still waiting and playing alone with it. I have been able to add many markets and download and installed many apps using the SD Card or a USB Pen Drive. I have seen people able to hack into the root and do so many stuff and other have been able to get a custom firmware to upgrade from 1.6 to 2.1. So for all of you out there saying sorry no good you better check again because this will be done soon one way or another.

Regards and best of luck to all.
I bought the geneic adroid 1.6 too. So far it has done what I wanted. I downloaded kindle on it so i can use it as a reader and can go on the internet but when I try to install downloads it tells me i do not have the application to support the download. Any ideas guys. trying to get msn or some type of webcam since mine has a camera.

Thanks and any ideas are appreciated
Sorry can't actually help at the moment. I have exactly the same problem except mine won't even open the Kindle files now either. I'm still looking for an answer. Will post back when and if I find one.