Google Camera updated: cropping improved, timer added and more panorama options


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
By Edgar Cervantes May 29, 2014


The Google Camera app was an instant hit, with 5-10 million downloads reached since its release, last April. We have a review of the camera app and must say it is a very solid and full-featured option.

Google has taken this app and improved upon it with today’s update.

Users across the web are reporting the rollout of update version 2.2.024, which comes with a very healthy set of improvements. The Google Camera experience continues to be clean and sleek, while its features keep extending past the popular Lens Blur feature.

Though the new Google Camera app has started rolling out, the Google Play Store page hasn’t been updated to show the new improvements. We have been digging around and curated a list of the noticeable additions. Let’s take a look:

Cropping is improved – or is it?

You always get more options when you take photos at the standard 3×4 ratio. In fact, pictures are losing quality when they are cropped to 16×9, but those do look better in smartphone screens. This is why Google is now allowing Nexus 5 users to crop images to the average display’s 16×9 ratio. In addition, video on the Nexus 5 has also been cropped a bit.

The timer is back!

Those who have been putting attention noticed the Google Camera has been missing the timer function. It is simply unacceptable to see such basic feature missing. Google has finally taken care of the missing link between well-timed photos and blurry, crooked messes.

The user can choose between a 3 or 10 second timer. Not many options, but it’s better than nothing, which is what we had before.


New panorama options

Google’s camera app now takes advantage of two new types of panorama mode – fisheye and wide angle. These modes simply create new patterns in which the user must move the camera, in order to create the desired effect.
If you are like me and don’t really have a rush for these features, simply waiting for the update to roll out is your best bet. You can also download this update and side load it, though. Just in case you are in a rush.
