Google I/O 2014 Registration Pushed Back to April 15th-18th


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

For some reason, Google has delayed the registration process for their Google I/O 2014. It was originally going to begin today, but instead it will now run from April 15th through April 18th. Here's a quote with the report from the Google Developers Google+ page:

Update on Google I/O Registration Window -- opening next week:

We're still working to make the registration process even easier for you, and it will now be open four days starting next week (opening next Tuesday and closing Friday). After the registration window closes, applicants will randomly be selected and we'll send ticket purchase confirmation emails shortly thereafter

It looks like they are still organizing to make the process even easier. Sound off and let us know if you plan on attending this year.
The possibility of the Nexus 8 and Android 4.5 not appearing at the Google I/O is highly likely since the company will want the focus to be on their services and not products.