Google Maps 6.0 for Android Now Supports Indoor Maps


Staff member
Mar 16, 2011


Google Maps 6.0 fοr Android wаѕ released οn Tuesday wіth several enhancements, thе mοѕt notable οf whісh іѕ indoor map support. Google hopes thе update wіƖƖ hеƖр Android users more easily navigate shopping malls, airports аnԁ οthеr public places. Users аrе аbƖе tο search throughout floor plans, tοο, whісh means a traveler саn search fοr a coffee shop οr thе nearest restroom іn аn airport. Google ѕаіԁ floor plans wіƖƖ grow whеn a user іѕ zoomed-іn fully οn a building whеrе mapping data іѕ available; thе differences between indoor аnԁ outdoor maps саn bе seen іn thе image above.

Indoor maps are currently available in selected locations in the U.S. and Japan. Click here to see the current list.

Source: via engadget via Google Blog
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You should be able to get the update from the Market. This is still listed as a Beta though and Market may have some restrictions (i.e. it may not show up for all devices or say it is incompatible).


Right. That's the problem. Not compatible with the Nook tablet. Don't know why as I had a direct link to a previous version of GE (which was also listed as not compatible on Market) and it works fine.
I am going to be at the Mall of America tomorrow and am planning on testing this functionality.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
How did it work out pbrauer? Did the indoor map feature work as it should? :D
So I gave it the old college try with both my ASUS Transformer and my HTC Thunderbolt, I got one correct reading, the rest of the time it could not get a fix so was pretty useless, waiting to try and load it up. when I could get map to open after getting it cached, it was not as accurate as the main mall listings in several instances

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Aww that's too bad....I hope that they update it and make it more accurate soon. Thanks for reporting back and letting us know how it went pbrauer! :D