Got a quick question for ya

Jan 31, 2011

First off i want to say that this is by far the best forum for my s7 that i have found so i thank you for all the great information

I love my s7 and have been using it with wifi for now and its great but i wish sometimes when im in the car or somewhere where wifi isn't present that i could use my tablet for the internet. I was reading on here in an older post that you can take a SIM card and use that to get 3G or 4G internet. People over at this forum say that the smart talk SIM works for calling and internet
Android Tablet - Huawei Ideos S7 - $249.99 - $50 off! - BEST BUY - No Contract Required - SIM Slot - Page 12 - POST NUMBER 173 SAYS THAT ITS Confirmed

Was just wondering if anybody has tried this the only reason why i don't go with At&T or T mobile is because I would rather not have to sign a contract and Smart Talk is the cheapest that I have found and its no contract.

Well thanks in advance also i would like to know what you use for 3G or 4G Data :cool:
The S7 definitely works well on 3G. Not sure about your part of the world but here (Australia) we can get Telstra pre-paid for about $150 for 10G data. I use this all the time on the road. I don't really use it for calls or sms, but I have tested that it works well.
Cannot comment on the US S7. Here it is locked to Telstra, but can be unlocked for a fee. I was under the impression that the US version of the S7 was unlocked, so theoretically you should be able to use most SIM cards. I tested my S7 with another Telstra SIM from my phone, and it worked ok.
I used a Tmob US pay monthly plan until mid Dec. Seems like they have pulled that option.
I currently use a UK pay as you go data plan and no problem.
Get a SIM, activate a plan and put it in the S7 and away you go. With the corrrect settings of course.
I use mine as a phone quite a lot as well.
i can tell you i have has my s7 for about a week now and i just tried my at&t sim card and it worked great it was surprisingly very fast. if anyone has any ideas on what i should download like is there a way to speed it up ? and stuff like that. thank you
I do it all the time on my US, and I live in Minnesota. Get an O2 SIM from Abby.