GPS will not get a fix

Jun 1, 2012
I have a Toshiba thrive with the honeycomb system and for the life of me I can't get the stupid thing on any app to grab a GPS fix. It give me my lat and long but only when I'm hooked to wifi. W.T.F.?
Are you sure you have GPS turned on in settings? There are two types of GPS one that uses an actual GPS radio and one that uses wifi. By default the GPS radio is usually turned off to conserve battery but since most people use wifi that is on for location purposes (you can also turn off wifi location in settings).

Sometimes it does take a very long tome for GPS to lock the first time it is used. Make sure to turn GPS on in settings, turn the screen to a long time out and amke sure you have a clear line of sight to the sky. Then give it 5-10 minutes and see if it gets a fix.
In order to see if it is working, assuming it's turned on, you could download an app called GPS Fix from the Store, then turn WiFi off and go out to a clear line of site to the sky and run GPS Fix. As J515OP pointed out, the first fix could take a little time, patience is the key.