Greetings and Introduction


Apr 12, 2011
Hello all! My name is Chris, a.k.a. The Unwired Medic. I own a B&N Nook Color, presently running Phiremod 5.3, and a VM Samsung Intercept running a stock ROM until the new release of Froyo anyday. I appreciate the info I have gleaned from the site to help me learn about ROM's and rooting of various devices.

I have a blog, Facebook page, and Twitter profile you are welcome to check out. I primarily target public safety users to teach them what apps and devices are worth looking into, to help with patient care, documentation, continuing education, scene hazards, and whatever else tickles my fancy.

If you want, you can check out my pages with the links below. Thanks for the resource!
Welcome to the forums! We are glad to have you, and hope that we can continue to provide service to the EMT and Health Professionals Community.
