Greetings and Salutations from Conspirator


Feb 10, 2012
Hello, my handle is Conspirator. I am a avid techie, and programmer. I currently am tinkering on my Vizio Vtab 1008(Gingerbread) and hoping for the soon upgrade to Honeycomb or ICS. Also learning how to write programs for the Android.

As signified by my handle, I also have an eye for searching for the hidden truths.
Hello Conspirator, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
Love your handle.. .I had to search for the meaning of this word though: handle= name in slang. Thanks, I learned something new! :)

Samsung Galaxy Note
Handle is an olde world term from back in the time of CB and HAM radios.

Good News, stated that I was waiting for Honeycomb release on my device, they released it today. :eek: