Greetings! Veteran Android user here.


Oct 2, 2011
Hello! I have been using Android since it was introduced with the T-Mobile G1, and have since upgraded my phones and other handhelds regularly.

I have had to use an iPad for work for awhile as nothing stable Android Tablet was was available (until now) and they just... bought a bunch of iPads. Since honeycomb tablets have hit he market I have tried a few and a few days ago I got myself an HTC Jetstream and discovered this forum.

I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I have already put out a few posts and I think I will really like visiting this forum. Thanks!
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here!

congrats on the Jetstream
Hello Vach, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Jetstream. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I see you found the right section of the forum for your tablet and are helping out over there already, so I'll let you get on with it.:) Have fun.
Thanks everyone! I am sure that I will. :) Also, Spider, your quote about friends is totally awesome.
How does HTC Sense handle itself? I disabled it for a while on my Evo and recently started it up again.
I really like it, it is very similar to the vanilla Honeycomb UI but HTC has changed a few things that improve stability and user performance. I never use it on my HTC phones (for example right now I have the myTouch 4G Slide), but on my Jetstream I love it because of the changes they have made. Most of which improve stablity.

They changed the "Add" menu and removed Wallpaper section, adding several organizational features for widgets and icons instead. Also, adding something to a certain screen has less sensitivity to dragging so you don't accidentally put it on the wrong screen. Something I really like on the desktop itself is that if you have a Live Wallpaper, it freezes ("pauses") while you add or move icons to increase framerate and control while moving stuff (or re-sizing widgets).

There is some other stuff within menus that is better designed for tablets, but nothing sensational or unexpected - mostly just usage of the larger screen