HaiPad M7


Apr 4, 2011
Hi All,

Completely new android owner here, just bought the Haipad M7.

I was going to send it back due to it's frequent crashes, but having found a firmware update (Mar 22) and applied that it seems much more stable.

What I'd really like to do is figure out how to get a UK 3G dongle to work with it, at the moment I have an O2 one (HUAWEI E169) but I cannot seem to get the tablet to recognise it, indeed it only lists CDMA models, presumably as it's a china import.

Has anyone ever had any luck in getting a UK 3G dongle to work on these?

Best Regards and Thanks
Where did you get the firmware update from, please share and i would also like to know how to read a pen drive on this tablet through the usb port.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Android Tablet Forum
Firmware from HERE (be aware the page was hacked some days ago and there might stil be some alerts or even real malware)
or the mirrored unmodified 0322 update from HERE SHA1 is D69BFED3A127B191A9706F9CD6C124E7151A91A0
or use the cleaned up and rooted version by ransagy from HERE.

pen drives are mounted as /udisk
Hi can you please guide me as to how to load the rooted Rom on this tablet as i am a newbie in this and also if you could guide me on which 3g dongle to get for it, i live in mumbai in india if that helps. Please help

Sent from my MID_Serails using Android Tablet Forum
Firmware from HERE (be aware the page was hacked some days ago and there might stil be some alerts or even real malware)
or the mirrored unmodified 0322 update from HERE SHA1 is D69BFED3A127B191A9706F9CD6C124E7151A91A0
or use the cleaned up and rooted version by ransagy from HERE.

pen drives are mounted as /udisk

Hi, I literally just got my Haipad M7 today. It's my first android device. Has anyone nanaged to root it yet?

Also regarding firmware updates, what should i do with the files once they are downloaded?

Apologies for the noob questions, we all have to start somewhere..

Sent from my MID_Serails using Android Tablet Forum
I brought a Haipad M7++ last week, is Android 2.3 it is good but anyone know how to connect the pad to the PC for data transfer??