Haipad.net hacked?!


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2010
If you try to visit Haipad.net with Google's Chrome browser (or if you follow from a link in a Google search) it is presently warning you that Google has detected "malware" on the site and visiting it could infect your computer.

I periodically check in on the site to see what new stuff they may have released, so this warning appears new as of today.

Haipad does not host their firmware releases at the site anyway, but you may want to avoid visiting their product/PR site for now.
jepp, if you look at the downloads there is a new one called 'qweqwe'
that has a picture linked from a '8866.org' Page.
That picture seems to be a exploit or something....
I hope it is gone soon!
(p.s. thanks to NoScript it was never executed on my PC (i hope))