Haipad TCC9800 Telechip android 2.2, need help with Driver, Market place, and Adobe.


Mar 20, 2011
I bought the Haipad M701-r, TCC9800 Telechip, updated to android 2.2 by the previous owner. It does NOT have a marlet place, or Adobe Flash player. I cannot play videos which is the main reason I bought it. I don't know how to install Adobe flash. I've spent hours online trying to figure it out. I also cannot find a driver for it so my computer will recognize it. I found a program called android injscgtor that seems good, but again, without a driver, it won't work either.

My preferrance would be to figure out how to put Marklet Place on it, or at least Adobe Flash so I can watch video's

PLEASE, PLEASE, help.......
Maybe you can flash the 2.1 firmware. The first step is to determine which variant of the 701R you have.