Happy to be here!


Aug 4, 2011
I've been lurking around this forum for the past couple days. You folks seem like a very knowledgeable and friendly bunch. I'm happy to have joined you, and I hope to learn lots. This is a cool place!

I just bought a Nook Color on eBay on Tuesday. It hasn't arrived yet, so while I'm waiting, I'm going to study the latest info about rooting it.

I'm relatively computer savvy, but only regarding the usual boring over-the-counter stuff. I really don't know anything about hacking, using code, searching for or installing those little apps that do one funky little thing that makes your computer amazing. I need to study up on all the acronyms and other terms you use. I also want to understand more about what effects rooting will have before I do it. I think I saw a thread for a dictionary, so that's where I'm headed for now.

Thanks for any clues you can give me! Have a great day!

Hello momzpink13, welcome to the forum and congratulations on the new NOOKcolor. When you've finished going through the dictionary, you'll probably want to head over to the Nook section of the forum. That's where the folks are that can answer your questions and there's also a lot of information about your tablet there. Have fun! :)
Thanks, folks!
I've been to the dictionary, and left some questions for you there, Wicked. I took lots of notes too.

I've also been to the "to root or not to root" (I think that's what it's called) thread and read all 33 pages, then found out it's mostly outdated info. Wow, this stuff changes so fast it's hard to keep up! Anyway, I've been reading today about rooting a device with NC 1.2, which I believe my NC has (I hope it arrives tomorrow, I'm so excited I don't want to wait all weekend!).

I'm sure I'll have lots more questions. But so far, everyone else's questions have been answered, which gives me hope that I'll be successful too.
