Have I told you all how nice this board is ?? if not IT IS >>


Jan 6, 2011
I always get friendly responses no matter how dumb my question is... no chastising or nastiness at all... what a Pleasure.
. I have been on here for over 4 months and have enjoyed and LEARNED so much from all that you share..

Didn't realize I guess how nice this was until I made an innocent comment on the official Barnes and Nobles FB Nook board that caused a major up roar... only asked if there were any HINTS about some of the other apps that may show up in the b&N App store. wow
you would have thought I asked for a Military Secret..

But again.. whewww what a relief to come back to this nice place..

ThANK YOU.... one and all..... :) ...
hear hear - and to add, we are not as snarky as the other nook tablet forum :)

I always get friendly responses no matter how dumb my question is... no chastising or nastiness at all... what a Pleasure.
. I have been on here for over 4 months and have enjoyed and LEARNED so much from all that you share..

Didn't realize I guess how nice this was until I made an innocent comment on the official Barnes and Nobles FB Nook board that caused a major up roar... only asked if there were any HINTS about some of the other apps that may show up in the b&N App store. wow
you would have thought I asked for a Military Secret..

But again.. whewww what a relief to come back to this nice place..

ThANK YOU.... one and all..... :) ...
Yes I like this forum too:) Forums in general can get rough sometimes. But this one is always easy-going.
All right all right, you gave me the courage to ask one question I thought it was too stupid to ask. But let me go to open a thread... .if I ask here the mods are going to be running after me ehrh!
This forum and its adherents are some of the finest most helpful folks I have found.



Here's looking at you!

All of you.

I agree., this is splendid forum! It is rare to find knowledgeable AND helpful people.

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