Having problems I really need help.


Dec 7, 2011
Hello, I really have a problem. Recently, I was given an android tablet OS 2.2 bought from EBay. I bought a toshiba 320GB portable hard drive for the system to save all oft apps an downloads. Before I plugged it into the tablet, I plugged it up to a computer for music files. Then when I plugged it up to my Android a bunch if errors occured. Now my Android is stuck at the green floating Android Robot when I turn on the device. I need answers on this as quickly as possible on how to resolve this or a low to none cost way to fix this .

-Thank you
Please post the type of tablet to the best of your abilities. The more information the better. There is usually a button combination to rest the device but it is different for each device so it will be hard to help without more info.