Having trouble organizing my ebooks and using the Library on my Filemate Identity Pad


Jan 13, 2012
I have a Filemate Identity I-Pad that I received for Christmas and have it up and running with email set up, music downloads, lots of Apps & games, but I can't find in the manual how to organize my books in my Bookshelf? I have some saved under Books, but it came with an ebook shelf that I don't know how to use. I haven't bought any books, just downloaded a few free ones to see how it works. They installed in just BOOKS. How do I get them to my book shelf and organize by catagories?:confused:
Hi Brenp, welcome to the forum, glad to have you as a new member. Congratulations on your new tablet, nice Christmas gift. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you. That way more folks will see it, and hopefully help you out. Good luck!